How to Get Rid of Unhealthy Food Cravings

Cravings, we all get them at some point. Healthline explains cravings, “...are intense or uncontrollable desires for specific foods, stronger than normal hunger. The types of foods that people crave are highly variable, but these are often processed junk foods that are high in sugar.” Sometimes it might feel like you have to satisfy your craving right now or else you might go insane! So if you’re really trying to live a healthy life and not give in to these cravings, what can you do?

Drink Water
One of the first things you can try to do when you have a craving is to drink water. Medical News Today explains, “The body can misinterpret from the brain, and what feels like a food craving may be a sign of thirst.” Try to stay hydrated throughout the day and if any cravings come on, try drinking some water. Medical News Today continues and explains that if you drink a glass of water when a craving comes on and it goes away within a few minutes, you might just be thirsty.

Play a Game
A unique way you can get rid of your craving is to try playing a game on your phone. Runtastic states, “A study found that playing Tetris on your smartphone for just 3 minutes can weaken different types of cravings, including food cravings.” Find a game you enjoy and keep it on your phone for when cravings hit. Play for a few minutes to distract your mind and take your thoughts off of your cravings.

Brush Your Teeth
Brushing your teeth can keep you from giving in to that unhealthy craving. Think about how when you brush your teeth at night, you usually don’t eat anything else after. Brushing your teeth can distract you from cravings and according to Steady Strength, “The toothpaste will curb some of the desire for sweets. After you brush you will have less tendency to eat right away because you have a clean mouth.” You wouldn’t want to eat right after you brush your teeth so if you have a craving and you’re near your toothbrush, try this trick!

Cravings are different for everyone and not all tricks will work for everyone. Try these simple things and see what works for you. Don’t drive yourself crazy trying to eat perfectly all the time, you deserve a treat every now and then so it’s okay if sometimes you give in to your cravings.