Your Home-Life Health Routine

Like many people, you have probably been working home. It might seem like you are staying healthier at home since you aren't coming in close contact with other people, but you could still be harming your health.

You might remember how technology can harm your mental health by not helping you focus, creating feelings of loneliness, and even causing anxiety. Working at home in isolation can also cause your mental health to suffer as you do not interact with other people the way you normally would.

Working and working from home can harm more areas of health than just your mental health. It can also take a toll on your physical and nutritional health.

As mentioned previously, working from home can cause mental health issues as you don't see very many people in person. Working alone in isolation can cause you to really feel lonely and depressed.

There are many ways that you can try to combat these feelings of sadness and loneliness. Some recommendations include:

  • Creating a routine. Having a standard routine even when you're not in the office can help to keep you busy and focused. Stick to your schedule and fill your time with work, fun activities, and things that make you happy
  • Practicing self-care. Finding things that help you keep you relaxed are important during this time. Set aside time every few days or as often as you would like to do things like take a bath, paint your nails, watch your favorite show, or write in your journal. Whatever it is, do it for you and enjoy it!
  • Staying connected. Staying connected with coworkers, friends and family is important for your mental health during this time. Hearing from others can boost your motivation, reduce stress, and bring comfort. Plan video calls with the people you care about and need to talk to to stay sane.

Being isolated from others can impact your physical health. You might become unmotivated or unsure of how to take care of yourself physically while the gym is closed. Your physical health can also change depending on the space you are working at in your home. You can try:

  • Sitting proper. If you are working at home, the table/desk and chair that you are sitting at can make a huge difference. Sit in an area where you can make sure you sit with good posture and have your computer at a good height. 
  • Working out at home. Even though many gyms are still closed or you're not wanting to go back to a gym with other people yet, working out is still important. Moving your body is important but luckily there are many at-home workouts you can do without any equipment!
  • Getting enough sleep. Sleep is important! Even if you don't have anywhere to be first thing in the morning, going to bed and waking up at a decent time is still something you should do. If you are having a hard time settling down from stress or a lack of routine, try taking melatonin.

Being trapped in your house when you're bored, stressed, or lonely can cause you to eat more food. Nutrition is always important for keeping you healthy both now and in the future. You should try:

  • Grocery shopping wisely. You are home which means you should actually have time to cook your own meals! Get healthy items so that you can make your own healthy meals. Eat a balanced diet and include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein, and other nutrients. 
  • Eating healthy snacks. While you are sitting at home, it might be easy to snack on things that aren't healthy like chips, ice cream, soda, or sweets. However, these are not good for you and only make you feel like you need to work even more on your physical and mental health. Snack on healthy items like fruit and vegetables, whole-grain crackers, and nuts
Your health is important, all areas of it! Use this time you have at home to take better care of yourself.