It's not just for sunburns

The aloe vera plant has been studied and used for hundreds of years. The name has both Arabic and Latin roots: alloeh is the Arabic word for shining bitter substance, and vera is the Latin word for true. The Egyptians even went as far as considering aloe vera the plant of immortality.

Aloe vera has the botanical name of aloe barbadensis miller. It grows best in dry regions, such as those in Africa, Asia, Europe, America, and India. We all know that we can go to the store and buy aloe vera gel to treat the symptoms of a sunburn, but the truth is, aloe vera is packed with vitamins and minerals that benefit you far beyond sunburns.

This green plant is full of some major vitamins, like vitamin C, vitamin A (beta carotene), vitamin E, vitamin B12, vitamin B (folic acid), and choline. It also contains several minerals: calcium, chromium, copper, selenium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, and zinc.

Aloe vera contains the enzymes aliiase, amylase, and lipase. These enzymes are vital for the digestion of starches and fats. Aloe vera also contains cholesterol, campesterol, beta-sitosterol, and lupeol, which are important fatty acids.

It also contains many beneficial phytochemicals!

In addition to the skin benefits of aloe vera, it has numerous other advantages. It can provide heartburn relief, keep produce fresh, be used as a dental solution, lower blood sugar, be a natural laxative, and can potentially fight breast cancer.

Heartburn relief
Aloe vera has low toxicity, so it can be a safe remedy for heartburn. Heartburn is often caused by a digestive order called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). A study from 2010 found that aloe vera gel improved the symptoms of GERD when 1 to 3 ounces of the gel were consumed during mealtime.

Produce freshness
There are antifungal and antibacterial properties in aloe vera that can actually increase the longevity of fruits and vegetables. It creates a protective barrier that protects the produce against microbial contamination. Aloe vera can also reduce the rate of respiration while still maintaining the color, taste, and smell of the fruits and vegetables.

Dental care
Since aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it has the ability to improve dental and gum disease. Premier Smiles suggests putting aloe vera powder on your toothbrush before you brush your teeth. This will get rid of bacteria and infections in your gums. You can also gargle aloe vera juice and swallow it.

Blood sugar regulation
Aloe vera has been shown to lower blood glucose levels. For those with type 2 diabetes, this can be a more natural option for managing symptoms.

Natural laxative
Just as aloe vera treats the skin with anti-inflammatory benefits, it can also do the same for your digestive system. Aloe vera juice that contains aloe latex has something called anthraquinones, which are natural laxatives.

Breast cancer prevention
Certain studies reveal that aloe vera can act as an antineoplastic agent that may inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Aloe vera can also increase the effectiveness of cancer medications, such as chemotherapy.