How to Naturally Have Better Skin

Skin is something all of us have. Skin affects us everyday. Chances are, at some point all of us will have skin issues. Whether it’s acne, a rash, dry skin, warts, and more, your skin will become sensitive at some time in your life. 

A story on Visual Stories states, “Skin covers your entire body. Its main purpose is to protect you and your other body parts. Skin helps to protect, regulate, and sense things.” Because the skin is the largest organ on your body, it is important to take care of it. The skin you have now is the skin you will have for the rest of your life!

How can you nourish your skin?

Be careful in the sun. An article on Mayo Clinic explains, “One of the most important ways to take care of your skin is to protect it from the sun. A lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems - as well as increase the risk of skin cancer.” The sun is a great way to get vitamin D, but its powerful rays can easily harm your skin. It is important to use sunscreen, avoid the sun during peak hours, and wear protective clothing when possible.

Put good stuff in your body. What you put inside your body through food or drink can have a major impact on your skin. According to Sally B’s Skin Yummies, “Drinking water feeds the skin from the inside, helping to keep it soft and supple.” Not drinking enough water can lead to dry skin, acne, and even dark under-eye circles. This also goes for what you eat. Eating highly processed foods can increase your chances of getting acne or having other skin issues. If you eat a balanced diet with a variety of nutrients including whole grains, protein, fruits and vegetables, and more your skin will appear more healthy. We love taking Balance of Nature so that our skin can get the benefits of fruits and vegetables every day!

Get a good amount of sleep every night. Your sleep plays a big role in your over health including the health of your skin. An article on Greatist says, “Beauty sleep is the real deal! While we slumber our bodies heal and regenerate cells.” They go on to explain that while you sleep the stress hormone cortisol is decreased, melatonin is increased, new collagen is produced, and the human growth hormone is increased. All of these factors lead to healthier skin.

Your skin is part of your daily life and something everyone has. You shouldn’t feel like you have to hide your skin from everyone, follow these tips to naturally help your skin and you will notice a difference.